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Sponsors & PArtners

The Central Kitsap Food Backpacks 4 Kids Program, would like to thank our community for the hundreds of thousands of dollars (and pounds of food) that have been donated to our program over the last few years. We are beyond grateful for every single donation that we have received!

From the bottom of our hearts, we THANK YOU!

Without the donations made by you, we would never be able to accomplish this work. It is an honor to do this work in our community and because of you, we are able to provide supplemental food for so many families.


Below is a list of our generous donors and partners of The Central Kitsap Food Backpacks 4 Kids Program.

B&B Realtor

Bunker & Sandy Hill Family Fund

The Women of Central Kitsap Women's Club

Central School District Fund Drive

Elk's Club 

Fortney Family

Fred Meyer

Havers Law Offices, Inc.

Holy Trinity Parish

Just Between Friends (JBF) Bremerton

Kitsap Credit Union

Kitsap SeaHawkers Booster Club

The Ladies from Ladies of Elks

Margaret Miller

Melody Heroux

Network for Good (Facebook Fundraisers)

Peace Lutheran Church

Ruth Harris

Silverdale Lutheran Church

Silverdale Lutheran Church Endowment

The Women of Silverdale Lutheran Women's Club

Silverdale Rotary

Silverdale Whaling Days

The Slocum Family

United Way

Windermere Foundation

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